These days its pretty much unacceptable to not have a website if you are running a campaign. You should be able to do a Google search for “candidate’s name + city council” and your campaign page should be #1 or #2 on the search results page. Some of you candidates have work to do!
Brewster McCracken – http://www.brewstermccracken.com
Lee Leffingwell – http://www.austinleadership.com
Carol Strayhorn – http://www.caroleforaustin.com
City Council:
Chris Riley (place 1) – http://www.chrisforaustin.com
Mike Martinez (place 2) – http://www.martinezforaustin.com
Perla Cavazos (place 1) – http://www.voteperla.com
Rick Cofer (place 1) – http://www.rickcofer.com
Bill Spelman (place 5) – http://www.billspelman.org
Sheryl Cole (place 6) – http://keepsherylcole.com
Candidate’s in green are those which I am currently supporting. I think the best coverage of city hall comes from the BurntOrangeReport.com and Wells Dunbar’s (Austin Chronicle) City Hall Hustle. If you find bias, it should be easy to filter.
Okay, everyone with local political aspirations, you should right now purchase FirstnameForAustin.com!