I was having coffee earlier this morning and chatting with someone about how most people in the world purchase their food on a daily or weekly basis. In New York it’s routine to drop in to D’Agostinos and pick up a few things for the next day or so. Then, with synchronicity, a few minutes ago I receieved a note from DANA’s Roger Cauvin telling me that at Royal Blue Grocery you can open a “tab”! That’s cool.
“Did you know that you can open a “tab” with Royal Blue? When you sign up, they take your credit card info and enter you in their computer. Then, whenever you buy items at the store, they simply put it on your tab. At the end of each month, they automatically charge your credit card and send you a statement. There is no fee for the service.
One of the benefits of having a dense downtown is that it makes conveniences such as this one viable, due to the sheer number of residents within walking distance of retail shops.” – Roger Cauvin
The phenomenon of the supermarket was an American invention that paralleled the exodus from cities into suburbs. Well, as people move back to the city to become more connected, it’s nice to see an Austin entrepreneur, George Scariano, meet the demand for more neighborhood friendly businesses that are walkable and accessible on a daily basis. Also, see Waltons Fancy & Staple and Emerald City
Royal Blue is located @ 3rd & Lavaca. Their second location, at the ground level of 360 condos, is expected to open next week.