“OMG! All these people moving downtown are complaining about live music!” crap.
According to M1EK, “the people pushing for the extra restrictions on live music outdoors are NOT the people downtown.” Rather, it is the zealous Austin Neighborhood Council groupies. The problem is how this plays out in the media (Jeff Ward) as it is currently en vogue to scorn downtown Austin residents. They are exploiting a good media spin, and are using, as M1EK puts it, “downtown residents as cover – most people living downtown view music as an amenity, not a problem.”
My building is roughly 100ft from Sixth Street. Venue noise is not a problem. Now, if you can get the ambulances and fire trucks to go easy on the siren, that would be nice!
Agreed. My experience has been that it is folks in Hyde Park and South Austin pushing for increased enforcement of the noise ordinance. Specifically, folks in Hyde Park claim that sound travels up Waller Creek into their backyards. Folks in South Austin don’t like late shows at Jovitas.
Everyone I talk to about noise complains about Freddy’s. Which is most definitely not downtown.