Walking down Rainey Street earlier this morning, I spotted this TABC announcement on the corner of Rainey and Davis. My understanding is the proprietor is none other than Bridget Dunlap, who also brought us Lustre Pearl. Looks like she has big plans for Rainey Street.
I’m excited to see Rainey Street evolve in this way: rehab old houses, keep the trees, very walkable. It will be interesting to see what the Clive Bar concept turns into. I’m generally of the opinion that Downtown Austin doesn’t need for more bars. How about a restaurant/bakery/cafe during the day to serve the thousands of residents at the end of the street?

Now you can get gourmet Indian Food at 91 Red River st. G’raj Mahal, at the Austin Bike Zoo headquarters.
thanks, Jeremy. You’re the 2nd person to tell me about this place. I’ll be checking it out this week!
Hi Jude, do you have any info as to what’s happening across from Lustre Pearl at 96 Rainey Street? There seem to be some renovation activities occurring there lately.
Hey Chris, I hear she is installing a pizza/bear/wine restaurant concept. Possibly coffee in the mornings – fingers crossed!
With all respect, expectations of park-like solitude went are unrealistic for a street zoned CBD.
Most people who live in the Rainey neighborhood do so because it is close to downtown, restaurants, bars, music venues, etc. BUT it offers park like solitude without the constant noise of the city — this is very appealing to buyers and future homeowners. What our neighborhood needs is a classy little bistro that offers good food, wine and beer open for lunch and dinner — what about renovating a house and turning into a Z Tejas type eating place for instance — and a small grocer/food market would be great for starters! Keeping Rainey St. quaint, but tastefully developed, will only enhance the resale value of those who own property. In conclusion, Lustre Pearl has NO lustre.
We really need food on Rainey……….
Pretty sure Clive is Bridget’s second Rainey bar – she mentioned she was opening another soon. She also has the old Azul space on Cesar Chavez leased for a restaurant.
I agree with your assessment that food options are important to keep a reasonable balance within this neighborhood. With live music on everyone’s mind this week, it’s also an important part of the equation that needs to be discussed as this transition occurs.
I think they replaced the previous sign with a new one today, so you may have walked by during the changeover.
sounds like rainey street is on its way to become the new [6th street] [warehouse district][red river][west 6th].
Thanks Chris! I noticed that sign a couple of days ago, too. It was gone this morning, unless it moved. I plan on checking again later today.
There’s also one planned across the street at 90 Rainey St called Container Bar. It’s currently an empty lot, but there is a TABC announcement posted there as well.