[googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=700+lavaca&sll=30.270528,-97.744814&sspn=0.01073,0.022724&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=700+Lavaca+St,+Austin,+Travis,+Texas+78701&ll=30.282418,-97.740984&spn=0.002798,0.005681&t=h&z=14&layer=c&cbll=30.269655,-97.744846&panoid=Hk1cOT6wpew3AiKB3ylGcA&cbp=12,338.61,,0,-14.72&output=svembed&w=600&h=350]
InFactDaily is reporting that the owners of the old ‘Chase Bank Building’, located in downtown Austin at the corner of Lavaca and 7th Street, have entered into a purchase contract with the Travis County Commissioners Court. TCCC will purchase the 315,000 ft building for $61.25MM.
In a related story, Chase Tower on 6th Street was recently purchased by Spire Realty Group.
Do you know if that building was always owned by Chase? Or if there was another bank (maybe one Chase bought out) or business who occupied it.? Just curios. 🙂
That’s an impressive looking building.. Are you saying that it will now by used by Travis Co courts??