83 Rainey Street – “Icenhauers”
Rainey Street continues to sprout interesting uses of dilapidated bungalow houses. Chris Howle helped us spot the new TABC permit application sign in the window of 83 Rainey Street, right next door to El Naranjo. The applicant reads “Icenhauers” and they are applying for mixed-bev late night service. Another bar is not ideal for a district yearning for more uses, though good concept execution can go a long way.
C’est la vie.
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Pecan Street Cafe
We love the new location of Pecan Street Cafe. The 504 Trinity Street location is close enough to “Pecan” Street to keep the name, and it is more inviting than the old location.
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Chain Drive
Maybe not new, but we stumbled across a bar kept on the extreme DL. Located on Willow Street, behind the pedi-cab headquarters, it doesn’t look like it’s still open.
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(As I accidentally posted under the Waller article) Chain drive is amazing. Nuff said.
Jude, Chain Drive is a gay leather bar that has been there forever – I think since the late 80’s or early 90’s.
The owner’s lover died of lung cancer, so long before Austin had a smoking ban, Chain Drive was one of the few places that didn’t allow smoking.
They’ve got a big patio and some pool tables. Go on a Tuesday night when it’s pretty empty if you don’t want to, um, get manhandled.
lolz, too funny. 🙂