There’s lots of discussion and unanswered questions about the proposed Boardwalk in Lady Bird Lake. This is your chance to become more informed. June 22, 2010 – Parks and Recreation Board, in the Boards & Commissions Room (1011), City Hall, 301 W. 2nd St. beginning at 6:00 p.m.
This is interesting for Downtown Austin:
City considers R-V park for homeless
It has always pissed me off immensely that when out-of-town guests come to Austin– the first thing they see when they walk out the front door the convention center is a bunch of mentally ill degenerates and Katrina evacuees standing on the corner (most of them are up to no good.)
So, for selfish reasons I want the ARCH and Salvation Army to get out of Downtown, but on a caring/humanitarian level I think that it will be a positive thing for those people.
Many homeless have severe alcohol and drug problems. Moving them away from the highest concentration of bars & liquor stores in Texas will be a very positive thing for them.
In the past, the problem with getting rid of the ARCH building at 7th and Red River has always been that nobody wants those people “in their backyard.” Because bobody lives in the airport flight path- nobody can complain.