For something very fresh and different this weekend to drown our mundane laborous lives, check out these cool events on tap ’round the hood:
The 1St Annual Austin Street Magic Festival TONIGHT, 6th & Red River next to Esther’s Follies (home of our own fantabulous, Ray Anderson), 6pm-2am and FREE!
And that’s just the warm up.
For you uber fans of fun and illusion, there’s an entire gathering of renown magicians from across the lands assembling all weekend at the Austin Convention Center. Details here:
Austin 2010 TAOM — that’s the Texas Association of Magicians. Here is the TAOM Facebook page too.
Here’s a news story from News 8.
And also more info to be found on the pages of Austin corporate lawyer (but always a magician at heart — and skill), Hull Youngblood. You can check him out — and be his friend — via the TAOM Facebook link above!
Much fun for all so make like a bunny and vanish your abode already!
Me and Max Maven…
Very cool. Think I’ll checkout the show tomorrow!
edit: just registered for the 1-5pm workshop with MaxMaven. This is going to be interesting!