First of all, I’d like to apologize for the headline of this post, but I just couldn’t get this phrase out of my head. And it’s true! The new kid on the (Rainey Street) block, Icenhauer’s, IS nice. Nicely built and and nicely designed (kudos to the Icenhauer team for selecting the high-design architectural firm, Michael Hsu), nicely priced, and “nicely” people (shout out to staffers Nora and Matt, who made my first visit there extremely….well, nice).
A little history: Icenhauer’s is family-owned, a father-son team consisting of Michael Icenhauer, young TSU graduate turned entrepreneur, and his father Robert Icenhauer-Ramirez , a local criminal attorney. Michael Icenhauer was living at The Milago and witnessed first-hand the opening of Lustre Pearl. Inspired by Bridget Dunlap’s endeavor, the Icenhauer duo set out to replicate the success. But they didn’t replicate the vibe. Where Lustre Pearl is shabby chic, Icenhauer’s is sleek and modern. Where Lustre Pearl is a bit rough around the edges (which I like!), Icenhauer’s is smooth to the touch (which I also like!).
Alas, but a picture is worth a thousand words. So, please allow me to bury you in metaphorical words:

Closing thoughts, in brief: I like the concept, and I think it’s a nice addition to what’s becoming an increasingly eclectic, but higher-end bar and restaurant scene on the edges of downtown Austin.
Also, apparently the Icenhauer clan pronounces their last name like “Eisenhower.” Presumably, this would also be the correct pronunciation of the bar, but I think most people are going to accentuate the “Ice”.
Oh! And if you are hungry, never fear, the bar is right next door to El Naranjo, or just a stone’s throw away from the other trailer eateries in the area – G’Raj Mahal, Cazamance, and East Side King.
Icenhauer’s Quick Facts:
83 Rainey Street
Austin, Texas 78701
Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 4 pm – 2 am
Saturday: 11 am – 2 am
Sunday: 12 pm – 2 am
Happy Hour
Monday – Friday: 4 pm – 7 pm
Saturday: 11 am – 7 pm
Sunday: 12 pm – 7 pm
Happy Hour Prices
$2 Domestics
$3 Draft/Imports/Wells
$4 Glasses of Wine
Looks so nice! I haven’t been out to it yet, but I went to high school with Mike and am glad to see his place doing well.