We’ve been covering the I-35 makeover for years, and it’s exciting to see it taking shape. It’s more impressive in real life than it did as a rendered concept. The polished inverted arches are huge – the size of these things needs to be seen up close.

Architect Phillip Reed of COTERA+REED ARCHITECTS explains to us the expected construction schedule. “…work will complete on the north block – roughly around Thanksgiving – and then start on the south block, which will complete around the middle of February.”
According to Reed, an artist is currently working on some programs for the lighting – which will be attached to the bottom of the stitches. “When only the north block is open, it will only have a very neutral light quality, but when both blocks are open the lighting will be programmed to change,” Reed says.
Thanks to downtown Austin entrepreneur and purveyor of rave supplies, Neville Medhora @ nevblog.com, for his pics and video (taken yesterday)!
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