What’s missing is a clue to what might become downtown Austin’s next apartment high-rise.
Back in August we discovered the old warehouse on the corner of Trinity and Cesar Chavez had been acquired by World Class Capital Group, and quickly conceptualized into an apartment tower, with the working name of Trinity Place.
For decades, two small billboards stood at the eastern edge of the lot. If you were heading east or west on Cesar Chavez you wouldn’t have missed them. As of this week, those billboards have been taken down!
Now, WCCG would not decide to forfeit that steady billboard lease without a good reason. I speculate this is a signal that development efforts are progressing.

The other clue was the Austin Rowing Club and Austin Coolers Dragonboat team vacating the warehouses this summer because demolition and construction were about to start.
Minor correction, it was Texas Men’s Crew that had to vacate not the Austin Rowing Club.
I walked by 20 minutes ago and didn’t even notice. Then again, I was also marveling in the fact that Micheleda is finally open, after what seems like a year’s worth of work to open that space. I wonder if it’ll be any good?
Nice catch. I like that restaurant space. A more casual place on the river would be great…
Please be an attractive, expensive looking building ………….which will continue to further increase the property value and beauty of our cherished lakefront neighborhood!