Snapped a pic this afternoon showing that demolition is well under way along East Ave for the 9 tract assemblage which will host a Dinerstein apartment development, expected to be called Millenium Rainey (aka Rainey Center).

downtown Austin's real estate and neighborhood blog
I agree with others. This is a bad development, it’s too spread out with such a large building footprint. Perfect example of why I favor tall slender highrises is because they don’t take up a large footprint. A whole row of houses is being taken out for this. It really is a shame.
I was wondering if that was the source of the noise as I walked out of the neighborhood this morning. Personally, I’m indifferent to the project. Only retail is in the corner towards downtown, nothing facing the frontage road at street level. I’m generally all for things that push Rainey street towards being the downtown street it’s zoned to be, hip went out the windows two years ago, I’d rather this felt like a proper urban neighborhood, with mixed uses and sidewalks and such. I’m not going to mourn one bar and a few nearly falling down abandoned houses. the hip bar scene was always a temporary stop between bungalow neighborhood and downtown zoning.
Jude are they allowed to build through the alley way between east ave and rainey st?
I thought at the planning commision this was shot down for the time being.
While I am very pro-density, I do not support this project. We should not sacrifice so much of Rainey St. for a cookie cutter building.
Another question- Did the Rainey Neighborhood association ever comment on this project? If so are they for or against?
Downtown Commission, which I sit on, voted against the alley vacation. Planning Commission voted in favor or it.
Lol “tragedy”
BLAH!!! 🙁
This was the one development that I was hoping wouldn’t happen!
So long hip Rainey street.
This will take away so much of the hip vibe Rainey has going on. There were multiple spots in the area that the developer could place this building. But instead they had to rip the houses out and place their boring building in there to siphon off the success of Rainey Street. Their taking away a part of the street that brings people to this place….the uniqueness of the bungalows.
This is a tragedy….