This past March, without much promotion, I launched RE/MAX Downtown Austin in the Rainey Street District. It’s been a strong summer of sales, and now our focus is on reinvestment.
Rather than spending scarce $$$ on print advertising that is quickly obsolete, I believe we can simultaneously promote RE/MAX and invest in the community.
Few casualties of society are more troubling than abused or neglected animals. Indeed, most of us feel this way. We would look the other way if Chuck Norris sought vengeance upon the Michael Vicks of the works.
So, here’s how we’re going to spend my limited ad budget: we’re going to donate the entirety of it to Austin Pets Alive and rally the community to help.
Once the RE/MAX Downtown Austin facebook fan page reaches 2,000 “likes”, I’ll donate $1,000.00 to Austin Pets Alive. It’s a modest goal, knowing that not everyone gets excited about real estate fan pages [like I do :-)]
The first step was to run the idea by the founder and matriarch of APA, Ellen Jefferson. I’m grateful to have her support and look forward to making a significant contribution to APA. It’s exciting to promote awareness for RE/MAX Downtown Austin knowing the money will directly impact animal safety, shelter, adoption.
Please repost this: “Like” @RE/MAX Downtown Austin on facebook and help raise $1,000.00 to support @Austin Pets Alive once. Please share!
Thanks for your help!
UPDATE 9/6/2011: RE/MAX Downtown Austin is accelerating our donation of $1,000 to Austin Pets Alive! immediately, in order to support APA’s ongoing efforts to assist the animals affected by the fires. There are some things more urgent than being “liked”. While short of our goal of reaching 2,000 “fans”, we’re grateful for all of our new fans. Thanks, everyone!