It’s Sunday morning – my favorite time of the week. This morning I walked to Jo’s coffee, ordered two breakfast tacos and a Topo Chico. It’s packed with people of all ages. This Sunday morning routine is something I developed growing up in Pittsburgh and, personally, it perfectly describes why I love living in the city. Downtown Austin has come a long way in a short amount of time. Most people that live in Austin are not from Austin (I don’t have any data to back this up, but stick with me). People immigrate to Austin from California and the Northern states. We come here for the weather and the lifestyle, and inevitably gravitate towards dense neighborhoods. We seek out places to live and work that have close proximity. Places where each person’s experiences are more intimate and common to everyone else. Here I am, in one of America’s greatest cities, with laptop open I just ordered another cup of Jo’s coffee. I see people I know. Damn, this is nice.