Downtown Austin Blog has been tracking Walton’s Fancy for some time. It’s good to see they are beginning to get the word out. Sandra Bullock is officially behind Walton’s. From the ABJ…
Bullock is bringing a neighborhood market called Walton’s Fancy & Staple to 609 W. Sixth St. Walton’s is her second downtown business. She opened her upscale comfort food-style restaurant, Bess Bistro on Pecan, a little more than two years ago
Downtown Austin is soo cool! My grandma lives on 7th Street and I live with her and will stay here in Austin forever. I would like more bike lanes. We seem to pave a lot of roads and do a lot for cars and trucks. Austin has so many cyclists it would be nice to do more for them.
Are they finally opened? The space looks great and I like the menu in the window but it seems like they’ve been ready to open for weeks…