I love this.
On my desk sits three simultaneous requests, from different owner/operators, for building permits on Rainey Street.
Since Rainey Street is a National Registered Historic District any improvements must pass through the Historic Landmark Commission. We knew about 86 Rainey St. That will become The Blackheart. 69 Rainey Street, according to applicant Rick McMinn, will be a food concept to serve patrons at the bars located mid-block. 92 Rainey Street is expected to become a bar, but we haven’t been able to confirm if they will also serve food or if they will operate with daytime hours.

Yeah! I love to see growth downtown.
Question, I live at Milago and just received the Notice of Public Hearing about 69 Rainey Street. Just curious, why didn’t I receive notice about any of the other building permits, for the bars on Rainey?? From your description, 69 Rainey appears to be less objectionable because it intends to provide food and is not just another bar, with potentially (if approved) loud music and more congestion for the area.
What can be done to ensure Rainey Street is approved for more upscale development and not just a row of tacky bars, without sidewalks and street lighting?? We’ve already incorporated enough of the 6th Street flavor, how about some of 2nd Street now!?! We have a beautiful lake area with hike and bike trails, why not some health conscious / upscale dining concepts or retail??
Debbie, for your first question, you only receive notification if you are within 500 ft. I imagine that the others might be a tad farther than that from Milago.