[youtube = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwsl0WKTB5w]
austin transit
Rail, rail, rail
Day six, becoming a model urban neighborhood: what does Downtown Austin need?
Each day this week I am serving up one item, with non-politically correct candor, that Downtown Austin needs to become a model of re-urbanization, as I see it.
Politicians love to talk, form task forces, and spend time doing everything except for making decisions as they are needed. So, this is an appeal to Downtown Austin stakeholders that know how to get things done: the residents, developers, retailers, and land owners.
I want Urbanrail
Take me to the drag. Take me to South Congress. Take me to Zilker. Take me to the airport. 90% of the time I don’t need, or want, to go anywhere else in Austin. An urban rail (pdf) benefits not only downtown, but ALL of the urban core. Complemented by the commuter rail, with an urban rail system in place we can begin to reduce (if not remove) minimum parking requirements for new developments. Reduced parking requirements translates into improved streetscapes, less congestion, and more economically productive land use (more sales taxes, more ad-valorem taxes).
CAMPO TWG you can make this happen.
Maps, glorious maps
My readers know I friggin’ love a good useful map of something. AustinOnTwoWheels.com has a comprehensive list of Austin bike shops. I just want to know where I can buy one of these. Perhaps here?
Related to maps, but unrelated to bikes, is the super valuable crime mapping application KrimeLabb.com

Today's Downtown Austin link roundup
Loft Decor consolidates its retail at the Domain (link)
W-Hotel goes after back up financing (link)
CapMetro working to quiet railroad crossings on it’s 32 mile commuter rail (link)
Urban Transportation Commission Adopts Recommendations for Downtown Austin Plan (link)
Governor’s mansion is one of Texas’s most endangered historic places (link)