From the City of Austin, Department of Public Works:
“In coordination with routine street maintenance (road re-surfacing and re-striping), and to improve safety and mobility in the corridor for both motor vehicles and bicycles, the street striping will be reconfigured. In order to reconfigure the street striping some on-street parking will be removed. These modifications are to provide delineated bicycle lanes.
The City’s Public Works Department and Transportation Departments are implementing and improving a bicycle route system, as directed by the Austin City Council per City Ordinance No. 20090611-075 (The Austin Bicycle Plan). W. 6th Street from Lamar Boulevard to Patterson Avenue is a portion of Route 52 of the City of Austin bicycle system.
The new parking restriction will be as follows:
* W 6th St. (Lamar Blvd. to Patterson Ave.) – parking modification is to prohibit parking on both sides of the street in travel lanes and to-be-installed bike lanes.
Additionally, the inset angled parking between 1110 6th St and Blanco St will be converted to back-in angle parking; parking capacity will remain the same. Back-in angle parking provides drivers with improved safety, increased visibility, fewer collisions, and easier loading and unloading, and is compatible with bicycle lanes. This section of W. 6th St, like Dean Keeton St installed in August 2009, will be a pilot project for back-in angle parking in Austin. If the pilot program is unsuccessful, then front-in angle parking will be restored. The inset parallel parking between Harthan St and Winflo Dr, and Lamar Blvd and Baylor St will remain the same.”