I’m gonna go ahead and file this under ” T ” for “Things I’m Really, Really Pumped About.”

$4.00/glass, $10/half-liter. Party.
Cafe Crepe: 200 San Jacinto Boulevard, Austin, TX, 78701-4028, (512) 480-0084
downtown Austin's real estate and neighborhood blog
AG | |
I’m gonna go ahead and file this under ” T ” for “Things I’m Really, Really Pumped About.”
$4.00/glass, $10/half-liter. Party.
Cafe Crepe: 200 San Jacinto Boulevard, Austin, TX, 78701-4028, (512) 480-0084
Jude Galligan | |
Located at 3rd Street and West Ave, surrounded by chain link fence, the fate of Austin Energy’s eye sore of a building is all but sealed. Constructive Ventures and Trammel Crow are partnering up to develop the site. According to the Statesman article…
The lead developer, Austin-based Constructive Ventures Inc. , would build the $220 million project on a 1.7-acre site that is currently home to the Austin Energy Control Center.
The City Council is set to vote today to authorize the city manager to sign a development agreement with a partnership of Constructive Ventures and Trammell Crow Co. to buy the tract for $14.5 million.
Construction couldn’t begin until 2013, at the earliest. Then it’s unknown if the capital markets will be there to provide viable financing terms. In summary, this is definitely progress and a step in the right direction, but there is still a long way before we see a new building.
Jude Galligan | |
Based on my experience and observations, downtown does not have many families with teenagers, however we have lots of families with infants and toddlers. Many downtown Austin residents are making important decisions about their children’s education.
Fortunately, downtown feeds into one of the City’s best schools, an exemplary school: Mathews Elementary. Built in 1916, and located on West Lynn, the current boundaries for feeding students includes the UT graduate student housing on Lake Austin Blvd. This is the primary reason for Mathews’ diversity of cultures and backgrounds.
Right now Mathews only serves a dozen or so students from the downtown core. But, it’s just a matter of 2-4 years before a wave of downtown toddlers enter the AISD school system. Downtown Austin families with infants, that have moved here in the past few years, can sleep well knowing that [by good fortune] their children will have access to an exemplary elementary school.
AG | |
From a DANA Facebook event invite that I just received:
“Enjoy the company of friends and neighbors while experiencing Austin’s only Point Tower, Spring Condominium. Take in a 360-degree view of Austin from the soaring 25th floor or live music on the pool deck while enjoying complimentary food and cocktails all evening long.
During the Urban Core Happy Hour, make sure you glimpse a view of our neighbor to the south, The Long Center, our city’s premiere performing arts venue, just walking distance from downtown. The friendly folks from the Long Center’s Catalyst 8 group will be joining us to share information on their upcoming events and letting everyone know how they can directly support the arts in Austin.
Grab a friend and put a little spring in your step as you head over to what promises to be one of our best events yet! This happy hour is open to the public and we look forward to seeing you all there!
We would like to thank Tito’s Vodka, Lone Star Beer, Maker’s Mark Bourbon, The Long Center for the Performing Arts and, our hosts, Spring Condominiums for their contributions to this event.”
Date: Thursday, May 13, Time: 6:30pm, Location: Spring Condominiums @ 300 Bowie Street, 78701.
***All are welcome, and we would love for your participation in this event to lead to a DANA membership!***
DANA offers four levels of memberships:
- Individual ($25.00)
- Household ($40.00) The Household level includes a second household member at Individual level.
- Sponsor ($100.00) The Business Sponsorship level allows you a logo, marketing information, and a link on the DANA web site.
- Non-Profit Sponsor ($50.00) The Non-Profit Business Sponsorship level allows you a logo, marketing information, and a link on the DANA web site.
You can pay by Check, Credit card or PayPal by selecting one of the membership types listed above.
You do not have to live downtown to join DANA, but only members that live downtown are eligible to vote in Board elections.
Click Here for more information!
Jude Galligan | |
Lot’s of news coming out of downtown Austin.