by jude galligan

Part one begins here.
In 2003 Harry Whittington begins to win. But, the City is proving to be just as stubborn with their appeals – just as Whittington had been between 2000-2003.
Whittington has postured himself along the following legal issues
1) originally, the condemnation was incorrectly processed
2) on the second condemnation attempt, the City did not properly condemn the alley
3) the City hasn’t demonstrated the condemnation was done out of necessity for a public purpose
4) the City already has parking on 2nd & Trinity and the new parking lot and (later) chiller system are intended to benefit private sector, beginning with the new Hilton hotel, and specifically future developers
Chronology of events from 2003 to 2007 begins after the jump.
[Read more…] about [Part two] City of Austin v. Harry Whittington: the saga of a parking garage